COBRA Subsidy: Contact Your Reps

Press Release

Dear Actors Fund Friends,

We hope you are safe and well as we all continue to navigate the ever-changing landscape of a global pandemic. We know there are countless challenges across health, housing, and financial landscapes, so we wanted to share how our community can get involved to help in particular with upcoming health insurance coverage issues.

It is time that Congress pass the next federal relief package to protect the American worker from the economic consequences of the COVID-19 public health crisis. People who work in performing arts and entertainment are uniquely suffering from prolonged unemployment and loss of income, and some will need federal assistance to keep their health care coverage. 

Ask Your Elected Representatives to Expand the Federal COBRA Health Care Subsidy 

Congressman Robert Scott (VA-03), Congressman Steven Horsford (NV-04), and Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (MI-12) are championing the Worker Health Coverage Protection Act which expands this vital federal assistance to cover the full cost of COBRA premiums for workers. This legislation is modeled after a similar program enacted in 2009 during the Great Recession.

Unfortunately, COBRA coverage can be prohibitively expensive for lower income workers as they must pay both the employer and employee share of a premium. The Worker Health Coverage Protection Act covers the full cost of COBRA premiums for workers who have been laid off, furloughed or have been subject to reduced hours. This legislation will also support coverage for workers already hurt by a decrease in demand for goods and services, including entertainment workers. 

Contact your members of Congress and tell them to support the Worker Health Coverage Protection Act. Please find a suggested letter/phone script below. You can find out who your representatives are HERE and who your senators are HERE

Also, if you’re active on social media, please consider posting and tagging your members of Congress. Here is a suggested post: 

The Worker Health Coverage Protection Act covers the full cost of #COBRA health care premiums, allowing workers to keep their employer health care plans if they lose work due to #COVID19. Please support this legislation [Tag your elected members of Congress] 

Yours in good health, 
Brian Stokes Mitchell 
Chairman of The Actors Fund

Sample Letter/Phone Script

My name is [insert name] and I live in your district/state.

I am writing to ask that Congress act and support H.R. 6514 (Scott VA-3), the Worker Health Coverage Protection Act, which will prevent American workers from losing employer health care coverage during this COVID-19 public health crisis. This legislation will protect American entertainment workers who are suffering from prolonged periods of unemployment. This legislation will expand the existing COBRA subsidy to cover the full cost of premiums as COBRA can be prohibitively expensive for out-of-work families. 

Thank you for your consideration. 

